The investigators in Alcoholic Beverage Control's Enforcement Division are strategically located throughout the state to maximize their special emphasis on the enforcement of Kentucky's alcohol laws. Investigators also work closely with Education Branch staff to promote awareness of alcohol and tobacco laws in Kentucky and prevent the use of alcohol and tobacco products by minors.
The ABC Enforcement Division utilizes many different programs as they combat underage drinking and enforce the laws of Kentucky regarding alcohol sales. Below are programs that have proven successful in enforcing and raising the rate of compliance.
Federal Drug Administration Links
FDA-authorized E-Cigarettes to be sold in the U.S. [
FDA Searchable Tobacco Products Database [
Vape Retailer Database
Become an Investigative Aide
The Investigative Aide (IA) Program is one way the ABC combats the sale of tobacco and alcoholic beverages to underage youth. The program is not used to deceive store or restaurant owners or their employees. The ABC employ young people throughout Kentucky to assist their investigators in compliance checks statewide. All applicants must look within the age range of the program in which they are working.
This program is not to be considered a part-time or full-time job. Under state classification, the IA position is considered seasonal work.
Compliance checks are conducted monthly without a set schedule. IAs may work with certain investigators one month, but due to scheduling conflicts may not work with the same investigators again for several months. ABC investigators are flexible in working with after-school jobs and after-school activities.
•Tobacco and Alcohol IAs earn $15.00 an hour, as well as reimbursement for mileage
All applications must include the following information:
- The applicant's signature.
- A parent or guardian's signature (if applicants are under 18 years of age).
- A copy of the applicant's birth certificate.
- A recent, high-quality photograph of the applicant. Digital photos are acceptable.
Investigative aide program requirements:
- Alcohol IAs must be 18 to 20 years of age.
- A background check will be conducted on all alcohol IA applicants.
- All IA applicants must look within the age range of the program in which they are working.
- The dress code is simple: dress like a typical teenager. Do not dress up. T-shirts (with your high school name or class t-shirt), jeans, shorts, sweatshirts or sweaters are recommended.
- Those that prefer to wear makeup should choose a toned-down look. An IA should not look older than their actual age.
Anyone can report a suspected violation to ABC Enforcement by one of the following methods:
- Call (888) 847-7222 or (502) 564-4850
- Submit an online complaint
- Submit a written letter to:
Attn: Enforcement Division
Alcoholic Beverage Control
500 Mero Street 2NE33
Frankfort, KY 40601-8400
Helpful Links: